
Archive for September 2009


Colorwheel Collection is Open

4266 Washington St


T , W  10 -5

TR 10 -7

F, Sat. 10 – 5

Come to play , visit and shop.

DSCF4657For all of you artists that have picked up a Create a Masterpiece kit at the Roslindale Farmers Market we can not wait to see what your art work will look like in the  Colorwheel Collection Gallery. Stick the stickers and fluff the feathers until it’s just right. Share your work with us by bringing it to 4266 Washington Street. You can leave your pieces in the mailbox or you can hand deliver your artwork during open hours starting the week of 9/28.

Be sure to leave contact information on the back of your work so we can let you know when your masterpiece will be up for all of Roslindale to admire and adore.

DSCF4354The windows have been dressed , compliments of Proof, to share the good news with Roslindale that the Colorwheel Collection is coming to town. A red romper, a blue buggy and yellow ducky have been selected as the window icons, hinting towards the notion that something colorful and baby themed just might be arriving in the near future.

  • None
  • colorwheelcollection: Ann, we are glad to know that the stuffed daschund is a friend that your niece will cherish for years to come. Thank you for supporting local shops an
  • Ann: Stephanie Cave Designs is absolutely wonderful! I purchased one of stuffed daschunds for my 3 year old niece and she LOVES it! She carries it everyw
  • Back to School for Little Wanderers | Charlene Chronicles: [...] Colorwheel Collection is a shop of unique children’s clothing located at 4266 Washington Street in Roslindale, MA. [...]
